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E000 Founder of Humanity Tribe Introduction Podcast
E001 Kids For Peace Founder - Jill McManigal
This podcast interviews Kids For Peace Founder - Jill McManigal
Mission & Vision
We create peace through youth leadership, community service, global friendships, and thoughtful acts of kindness.
Our vision is a safe and peaceful world where all people respect and care for each other and our planet. Kids for Peace serves as a model and inspiration for creating this reality with children leading the way, not only for today, but for generations to come.
E002 Careers With Wings founder Marcy Moorison
Marcy Morrison, founder of Careers with Wings and advocate of the formula Passion + Purpose = World Change. Marcy’s Vision is a World Where Everyone Connects to Their Passion and Purpose to Change The World.
Books she recommended:
Finding Your Passion: The Easy Guide To Your Dream Career by Marcy Moorison
Falling in Love with Me by Marcy Moorison
The Success Principles by Jack Canfield
Leaving Microsoft to Change the World by John Wood
E003 arc - Experience President Brad Lupien
arc is an award-winning, nationally recognized after school program
and experiential education provider. We bridge the opportunity gap by
creating transformational learning opportunities that empower youth to realize their full potential. We work with over 9,000 students on a daily basis.
arc is proud to offer a huge range of programs for K-12 youth, college-aged students, and even working professionals. In all of our programs, we emphasize experiential learning, life skills acquisition, and team building, as well as engagement with the natural world and community. Web: http://arc-experience.com
Recommended book: To Sell Is Human by Daniel Pink
E004 HollyRod Foudnation - Rodney Peete
After Holly and Rodney’s eldest son, RJ, was diagnosed with autism, HollyRod’s mission expanded to provide resources to families affected by an autism diagnosis. One in 68 children are diagnosed with autism every year. 50% of these children have extreme difficulty learning how to speak, while 25% of them never will. HollyRod launched the RJ’s Place grant
in 2014 to provide assistive technology to children’s hospitals and autism centers. As these children grow, they require vocational training and specialized job placement assistance to transition to mainstream life and gainful employment. Our RJ’s Place grants now support toddlers to young adults in over a dozen locations across the U.S. and Canada with a dozen more scheduled by 2018.
The HollyRod foundation is dedicated to providing compassionate care to those living with autism and Parkinson’s disease.
We seek to fill an unmet need by providing compassionate care and services to underserved individuals and families that are burdened financially and emotionally by a diagnosis.
We strive to help individuals live the best life possible.
E005 Quetzal Mama - Dr. Roxanne Ocampo
The mission of Quetzal Mama is to provide expert college admission coaching, programs, and tools to deserving students and their families for free. This has been the mission since we opened our dining room doors in fall 2010.
That’s the mission of Quetzal Mama since day one. We will not waver from our commitment to serve our most vulnerable students. And, we will not neglect to serve deserving students on their trajectory to college – simply because they cannot afford to do so and because no one in their family has the tools, resources, or knowledge.
Recommended Books:
The Flight of the Quetzal Mama: How to Raise Latino Superstars and Get Them Into the Best Colleges by Dr. Roxanne Ocampo
Nail It!: Quetzal Mama's Toolkit for Extraordinary College Essays by Dr. Roxanne Ocampo
You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness And Start Living an Awesome Life by Jen Sincero
E006 Border Angeles - Enrique Morones
Border Angels is an all volunteer, non profit organization that advocates for human rights, humane immigration reform, and social justice with a special focus on issues related to issues related to the US-Mexican border. Border Angels engages in community education and awareness programs that include guided trips to the desert to place water along migrant crossing routes as well as to the border to learn about the history of US-Mexico border policy and experience the border fence firsthand.
Border Angels’ mission is to reduce the number of fatalities occurring along the Californian border through the placement of life saving water stations in the desert.
Border Angels work is driven by these words: “When I was hungry, who gave me to eat? – When I was thirsty, who gave me to drink?” (Matthew 25:35). In this they make it their mission to ensure that all people are received with a sense of humanity and compassion, and that the cycle of death along the border does not continue into the coming years. https://www.borderangels.org/ Podcast: Bad Hombre Recommended Book: Border Angels: The Power of One by Enrique Morones *This episode was recorded in March 2018
E007 Encuentros Leadership - Juan Gaytan
The Encuentros Leadership Academy was created in response to the growing Latino male achievement gap in higher education. The overall purpose of the Academy is to significantly close the college achievement gap for Latino males. In California, the best and brightest Latino males accepted into the UC system as freshmen experience the highest dropout rate, at over 80%. The Academy was designed to increase access, improve retention, and increase baccalaureate completion for Latino males. The Academy's culturally-relevant curriculum teaches core competencies leading to improved self-esteem, self-worth, and personal confidence. Utilizing successful, experienced Latino male faculty, aspiring Latino male high school students are exposed to the daily challenges of college living.
The mission of the Leadership Academy is to prepare low-income Latino male students (grades 6-12) for successful admission to the college of their choice. The Leadership Academy promotes a strong community and personal value of giving back. Every Academy student is challenged to generate answers to the three Encuentros questions: Who Am I? Where Am I Going? How Will I Get There?
E008 Homeboy Industries - Father Greg Boyle
Homeboy Industries provides hope, training, and support to formerly gang-involved and previously incarcerated men and women allowing them to redirect their lives and become contributing members of our community. Each year over 10,000 former gang members from across Los Angeles come through Homeboy Industries’ doors in an effort to make a positive change. They are welcomed into a community of mutual kinship, love, and a wide variety of services ranging from tattoo removal to anger management and parenting classes. Full-time employment is offered for more than 200 men and women at a time through an 18-month program that helps them re-identify who they are in the world, offers job training so they can move on from Homeboy Industries and become contributing members of the community - knowing they count!
E009 - HOPE Worldwide - Shane Engel
Interview with Chief Communications Officer Shane Engel
HOPE worldwide’s vision is to bring hope and change the lives of the world’s most poor, sick and suffering.
HOPE worldwide is an international charity that changes lives through the compassion and commitment of dedicated staff and volunteers to deliver sustainable, high-impact, community-based services to the poor and needy.
Book recommended: The Regamuffin Gospel by Brennan Manning
E010 - Ed Hidalgo World Of Work
Interview with Ed Hidalgo Chief Innovation and Engagement Officer for Cajon Valley Union.
The World of Work is a comprehensive K-12 curriculum solution aimed at early exposure for children to both self and career exploration in the ever-changing landscape of the global economy. Creating relevance to the real world and enabling students to map their educational goals to their possible future selves will maximize their investments in post-secondary education.
World of Work empowers every child with unique strengths, interests and values needed in the world to nurture happy kids, living in healthy relationships on a path to gainful employment.
https://www.nepris.com https://www.worldofwork.net https://www.themyersbriggs.com
Twitter: edhidalgosd or cvworldofwork
E011 Hands of Peace - Sarah Heirendt
Interview with Sarah Heirendt San Diego Site Director for Hands of Peace
Hands of Peace empowers young Israelis, Palestinians, and Americans to raise their voices as leaders of change.
The foundation of the program is a comprehensive group dialogue process, structured to take individual participants on a journey that includes:
Exploring the conflict together
Exposure to each other’s narratives and faiths
Sharing of personal stories for greater understanding of our individual differences and common humanity
Individual and group actions that can be taken as involved leaders
Book: Light Is The New Black: A Guide To Answering Your Soul’s Callings And Working Your Light by Rebecca Campbell
E012 RESPECT Project - Dustin Nelson & Todd Baker
Interview with Dustin Nelson & Todd Baker SD Sheriff Department
RESPECT Project is a character building and mentoring program designed for teenage youth. Currently serving the North County region, RESPECT Project was developed in 2014 by the San Diego County Sheriff’s Department. The program is a 16-week commitment aiming to reduce juvenile delinquency, lower recidivism, and offer alternatives to street gangs, substance abuse, and a life trapped in the criminal justice system. RESPECT Project offers decision-making skills, encouragement, and comprehensive resources to students and their families. In addition to weekly classes and mentoring, RESPECT Project also partners with healthy community groups, businesses, and faith-based organizations to supplement the program and further enrich the students’ personal lives.
Podcast: Jocko Willink
E013 Chamber of Purpose - Co-Founder Neville Billimoria
Podcast interview with Chamber of Purpose Co-Founder Neville Billimoria.
The Chamber of Purpose is a welcoming community of driven successful individuals and business owners who have banded together to form a coalition of purposeful enterprise. We take action, create connection and have fun.
Our Mission:To inspire, organize, and assist organizations in adopting a purpose-driven, collaborative model, that advances humanized, sustainable communities.
What We Do:
CONNECT: We provide a venue for meaningful exchange and relationship-building that fosters community for newcomers, advocates and practitioners.
COACH: We provide a selection of resources and a clear path for learning and application.
CHAMPION: We recognize and advocate the advancement and achievement of purpose-driven initiatives.
Soul Food Friday - https://soulfoodfriday.wordpress.com
Book: Who Do We Choose To Be? Margaret Wheatley
E014 Dream Catcher - Steve Ward
Interview with Steve Ward the founder of the Dream Catcher Program. Dream Catcher is a career readiness and workforce development curriculum designed to accelerate students ability to discover an initial career path through discovering a clarity of purpose and self worth. Dream Catcher Enterprises provides a unique and effective career development curriculum that helps students:
Explore and discover their purpose
Set purpose-driven goals
Identify career choices based on their purpose and gifts
Create action plans
Track and monitor progress
The tool of M.A.P.P.E: (M - Mental Mindset, A - Ask the right questions, P - Purpose, P - Plan of Action,E - Execute)
Books Recommended:
Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
As a Man Thinketh by James Allen
Good to Great by Jim Collins
E015 Wesley House - Jesus Gonzalez
Interview with CEO Jesus Gonzalez of San Diego State's Wesley House affordable housing.
Mission: To empower qualifying students to achieve their goals through affordable housing and support services.
Wesley House Student Residence, Inc. (WHSR) is a public, non-profit organization that represents the culmination of over 80 years of San Diego State University service and outreach. Wesley Foundation Ministries, Inc., the founding organization was established in 1934 as the first campus ministry. In the mid-2000s, They formed another non-profit organization – The Wesley House Student Residence, Inc. for the purpose of the development and management of affordable student housing.
Phone: 619-582-0773
Book recommended: Good to Great by Jim Collins
E016 San Diego Workforce Partnership - Peter Callstrom
Interview with the San Diego Workforce Partnership President and CEO Peter Callstrom
The San Diego Workforce Partnership funds and delivers programs that empower job seekers to meet the current and future workforce needs of employers in San Diego County. We are the local Workforce Development Board, designated by the City and County of San Diego.
Recommended Podcast: https://www.brookings.edu/podcasts/
EO17 RISE UP Industries - Joe Gilbreath
Interview with the Director of RISE Up Industries - Joe Gilbreath
Their mission is to minimize gang involvement by providing integrated gang prevention, gang intervention, and post-detention reentry programs.
At RISE (Respect, Integrity, Spirituality, Empowerment) UP (Unity and Perseverance) Industries, participants are welcomed into a community of mutual kinship, love, and a wide variety of services. Full-time employment is offered through an 18-month program that trains our members to be Computer Numeric Controlled (CNC) machine operators—a technical skill in high demand that helps them re-identify who they are in the world, offers job training so they can move on from RUI and become contributing members of the community – knowing they count! Through contract work for local and out of state customers, they experience real work opportunities and work ethic development.
Tattoos of the Heart by Father Greg Boyle
From Murder To Forgiveness by A. Khamisa
Writing After Life by Leslie Willis and Others
Stand and Deliver Movie
EO18 - Project A.W.A.R.E - Reggie Washington
Interview with Reggie Washington (CEO) - From Life in Prison to changing lives through the Project A.W.A.R.E (emotional literacy and restorative practices) program.
Attitude When Angry and Resolving Emotional (A.W.A.R.E) Issues Non-Violently
Focus on social development, problem solving, and emotional literacy skills.
Learn the connection between emotional control, violence, and abuse.
Find community based solutions for youths and families facing problems.
Mission Statement
Project A.W.A.R.E. aims to educate at-risk youths and prepare them to take responsibility for their thoughts and actions. They help youth become emotionally literate and learn/develop basic social skills through self-examination. Our young students will not only better themselves and their school environment, but also become productive members of society and establish themselves as community leaders.
Project A.W.A.R.E. provides a healthy environment wherein students can safely process their feelings and learn how to effectively incorporate problem-solving skills that they've learned into their daily lives.
Recommended: 13th on Netflix
EO19 Branch Out Market - Rachel McKinney
Interview with CEO/Founder of Branch Out Market Rachel McKinney
Branch Out Market is a network of passionate individuals committed to sourcing the best products, sharing stories of grassroots success, and bridging the consumer to the producer for social change. We partner with graphic designers, marketing experts, logistics, warehouse supply chains, and import specialists from around the world – all to ensure that our parts can focus on their missions’ and our customers are able to support them through the online shop.
Mission: To create a long-term sustainability for social projects, non-profits, and small entrepreneurs by expanding their markets. To create a world where everyone has access to a larger market. To build connections between consumers and global artisans online.
Recommended: Tattoos of The Heart
E020 Project Concern International - Uli Heine
Interview with Uli Heine, Senior Director of Engagement for Project Concern International.
PCI’s mission is to empower people to enhance health,
end hunger, overcome hardship and advance women & girls.
PCI helps people to help themselves, so they can thrive, achieve their hopes and dreams, and create a healthier future for their children.
PCI is committed to working at the community level to enhance health, end hunger and overcome hardship around the world. Last year, our work helped transform the lives of nearly 12 million people in 16 countries, but what is even more exciting is knowing how each of those individuals will continue to foster positive impact in their families and communities in the years ahead.
https://www.pciglobal.org/ uheine@pciglobal.org
E021 Altitude Learning - Dr. Devin Vodicka
Interview with Dr. Devin Vodicka Chief Impact Officer & Chief Academic Officer for Altitude Learning.
Altitude Learning, "We catalyze and accelerate the shift to learner-centered education in schools across the country. We believe that together we can empower every learner to derive their own learning and reach their full potential." Also has insight on Covid’s impact on education.
Book Recommendations: Permission to Feel by Marc Brackett Learner-Centered Leadership by Dr. Devin Vodicka
@dvodicka Twitter