Know yourself.jpeg

Personality assessments are a fun tool to better understand your strength, interest, and values. They are helpful if you are trying to reflect, discover, or project who you are and what you are interested in. Remember, they are just a tool to assist in self discovery, and provide the vocabulary to tap into the inner you.


The O*NET Interest Profiler can help you find out what your interests are and how they relate to the world of work. You can find out what you like to do and what careers you might like to explore.


Enneagram is a model of the human psyche which is principally understood and taught as a typology of nine interconnected personality types.


The DISC model is a behavioral style model. DISC profiles describe human behavior in various situations, for example how you respond to challenges, how you influence others, your preferred pace and how you respond to rules and procedures. DISC four behavioral styles are: Dominance, Influencing, Steadiness and Conscientiousness.

Personality Max analyzes 27 aspects of your personality including Personality Type, Multiple Intelligences, Learning Styles and Brain Hemispheres.

The purpose of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator personality inventory is to make the theory of psychological types described by C. G. The identification and description of the 16 distinctive personality types that result from the interactions among the preferences.

ESTJ: extraversion (E), sensing (S), thinking (T), judgment (J) INFP: introversion (I), intuition (N), feeling (F), perception (P)

According to John Holland's theory, most people are one of six personality types:Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional.

Simplified free RIASEC Test - CLICK

Another free Holland Code Career Test - CLICK

The Interest Profiler is a career assessment that asks you about your interests, and then helps you understand how your interests connect to different careers. It can help you identify interests you did not even realize you had, and help you focus your search as you begin thinking about what is important to you in a career.

Everybody learns and processes information differently. The Learning Styles Inventory helps you examine your learning styles so you can better understand how you learn best, which will help you to do well in school as well as succeed later in life.

In Multiple Intelligences, you will explore and learn about your different abilities, from music to athletics. This assessment will show how you possess intelligence in different ways. You will be challenged to reflect on how you solve problems, think, and come up with new ideas.

The Do What You Are is a type of personality inventory known as a Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, which helps you identify your preferences so you can make more informed decisions about your own education. It is good to understand your interests, abilities, and values now, while keeping in mind that they may change as you grow older.

June Typology Test - This focuses on personality traits, suitable occupations, learning styles, and lifestyle preferences. Begin the test and answer the 64 questions and click SCORE IT. Don’t be fooled by the START add at the top.

Carolyn Kalil’s Inner Heroes quiz stems from her books and life’s works. This quiz is a simplified combination of the Myers Briggs & Keirsey II assessments with 36 questions.

The COLOR CODE Personality Science test has four colors of personalities: White, Blue, Red, and Yellow. The Color Codes identify motives within that drives our personalities. Reds (Power) They bring great gifts of vision and leadership and generally are responsible, decisive, proactive and assertive. Blue (Intimacy) They bring great gifts of quality and service and are generally loyal, sincere, and thoughtful. White (Peace) They bring great gifts of quality and service and are generally loyal, sincere, and thoughtful. Yellow (Fun) They bring great gifts of enthusiasm and optimism and are generally charismatic, spontaneous, and sociable.

This assessment has 61 questions and breaks down into five broad dimensions of personality: Open, Agreeable, Extraverted, Stable, and Conscientious. The test measures your personality in relation to careers.

Sparketype - Your Sparketype reveals the essential nature of the work you’re here to do. Once you discover it, there is an immediate, intuitive knowing. An undeniable truth that explains so many past choices and outcomes, and empowers you to contribute to the world on a very different level. To spark your life, and ignite those around you.

Also known as the KTS (Keirsey Temperament Sorter), which focuses on habits of communication, patterns of action, set characteristic attitudes, values, and talents. These are identified by Dr. Keirsey as the four basic human temperaments: The Artisan, The Guardian, The Idealist, and The Rational.

What is Attachment Theory?

Attachment Theory is the single largest predictor of success in your relationships, whether they are romantic, familial or platonic. There are four types of Attachment Styles, all with different characteristics: Fearful Avoidant, Anxious PreOccupied, Dismissive Avoidant, and Secure.